Chloroquine for malaria
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Chloroquine can be used in pregnancy if a doctor thinks it is the best option to prevent or treat malaria. This is very important as malaria can be life-threatening to both you and your unborn baby.
What is it?
Chloroquine (Avloclor®; Malarivon®) is an antimalarial drug. It may be recommended to prevent malaria when travelling to certain areas. It is also used to treat malaria in people who have caught the infection.
What are the benefits of using chloroquine in pregnancy?
Chloroquine can prevent and treat malaria. This is important as malaria infection can be life-threatening and has been linked to stillbirth, preterm delivery, low infant birth weight, and death of the baby after birth.
What are the risks of using chloroquine in pregnancy?
There are no known risks. If chloroquine is needed, it should not be avoided just because you are pregnant.
Are there any alternatives to using chloroquine in pregnancy?
Possibly. Other antimalarial medicines are available. However, if chloroquine is recommended, this is because it is the best drug to prevent malaria in the area you are visiting or is needed to treat a malaria infection.
If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and need to travel, please speak to your GP or local travel clinic to find out which antimalarial medicine is best.
No treatment
What if I prefer not to take chloroquine during pregnancy?
If possible, you should avoid travelling to areas with malaria during pregnancy. If travel is essential, any recommended antimalarial drugs should be taken as advised by your GP or travel clinic. It is important that these medicines are taken carefully to ensure that they work properly.
As well as taking antimalarial medicines, you should avoid mosquito bites by taking appropriate measures, such as wearing a DEET-based insect repellent, covering up bare skin with clothing as much as possible, avoiding being outdoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitos are most active, and using bed nets which have been treated with insect repellent.
Will I or my baby need extra monitoring?
As part of routine antenatal care in the UK, women are invited for a very detailed scan at around 20 weeks of pregnancy to check the baby’s development. No further scans to check for birth defects will be required due to use of chloroquine, although women who have had a malaria infection in pregnancy will be offered extra monitoring of the baby’s growth and wellbeing.
Are there any risks to my baby if the father has used chloroquine?
There is currently no evidence that chloroquine used by the father can harm your baby through effects on the sperm.
Who can I talk to if I have questions?
If you have any questions regarding the information in this leaflet, please discuss them with your health care provider. They can access more detailed medical and scientific information from